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An open call for writers…

An open call for writers…

Here at, the site’s popularity has rather gotten away from us, which leads us to an open call for writers.

We are currently passing through the 20,000 page views a month threshold – on the way to 50,000 and beyond.

There’s never been anything like the universal appeal of the barndominium concept. The word “barndomium” itself is searched for more than 32,000 times a month.

And we get upwards of a thousand visitors to this website in a single day.

We officially need help

Do you have some journalism skills – the ability to go out and find the answers to the many questions that barndo owners — and those who want to be owners – have about topics like these:

  • Barndominium Resale Value: How Fast Do They Appreciate?
    • keywords: barndominium resale value
  • Wood vs Metal Barndominiums: Which is Better?
    • keywords: steel vs wood building cost
  • Playing It Safe: Who Insures Barndominiums?
    • keywords: who insures barndominiums?
  • Insulating Your Barn Home: How Do You Protect Against the Elements?
    • keywords: insulating your barn home
  • Barndominium Pros and Cons: 5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Or Building
    • keywords: barndominium pros and cons
  • Buying Vacant Land – A Checklist for Barndo Builders
    • keywords: buying vacant land checklist
  • Zoning Laws & Code Guidelines: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
    • keywords: zoning laws for barndominiums
  • Metal Barndominiums: Why Many Believe They Are the Best
    • keywords: barndominium cost vs house

And then, after gathering the facts, can you write a clear, engaging article on the topic, taking editorial direction on how to write and edit a piece that will blow right by whoever else might have written on the topic?

We can show you how – and pay you to do so

Will there also be assignments that explore the lighter side of barndominiums, and the barndo lifestyle?

Of course! We particularly want to look toward a regular column in which barndo owners talk freely and easily about what led them to build one.

That’s why special consideration will be given to current owners who also have good writing skills — although we certainly won’t rule out folks who don’t own one yet.

You can help continue to build awareness of this remarkable housing revolution. As of today, we have:

  • 850 visitors each day
  • 173,000 monthly viewers on Pinterest
  • 18,000 Likes on Facebook
  • 8,500 FB group members

Here’s how you can join our writing team

Step 1 – Choose a topic, then research it thoroughly

Choose one of the 8 topics above and, using the keywords given there, research the heck out of it.

Don’t worry about finding images for the piece — we’ll add them later, before publication.

Step 2 – Write an opening sentence…

Write a very conversational opening paragraph that intros the topic.

For example, “You would think that buying land would be the logical best first step toward barndo ownership. But you might be surprised.”

Step 3 – State the topic or question again very clearly in the 2nd paragraph…

For example: “Should you buy land first and then plan your dream barn home? The answer is no, according to current barndo owners. Obscure county regulations and unknown deed restrictions can quickly render your dream design unrealistic if you didn’t do your homework before buying your land.”

Be sure to put the second paragraph in boldface. Google may reward your story with a “snippet” if you do.

Step 4 – Write a story that explains that concise answer 

But in this brief exercise, no one will be paid. So if you choose to audition, please write out the remainder of the 300 words to show that you grasp the concept, and send it to us:

Email your writing sample to [email protected]. And you’ll hear back from us pretty quickly — within a day or two.

Good luck and we hope to hear from you soon.

PS – Include the words “cattle guard” in the subject line of your submission. We’ll immediately throw out responses that don’t have those exact words in  the subject line somewhere to prove you don’t have a tendency to skip over details.

We will pay a flat 4 cents a word on articles we assign and subsequently accept — and we’ll tell you the length it needs to be – either 1500 words, 2500 words or 3500 words depending on the topic. That should cover any rewrite time.

And, no –you may NOT use our exact wording on the example we just provided on land ownership. Sending that in will get you disqualified as well. Sorry. 🙂

Looking forward to a small, but select response. Don

PPS If you’re a loyal longtime — or brand new — subscriber, you’re going to be getting new content a full 24 hours ahead of anyone else. And you’ll also get special info and offers that NO ONE ELSE will receive.

Thanks again to all who have gotten us this far.