What started off as a simple search for barndominium bathroom fixtures has yielded all sorts of ideas — mostly for the john, but some not.
And many have links to places you can purchase from. Some, sadly, we couldn’t trace back to a supplier.
Some, of course, will just require a trip to your local Tractor Supply, Lowe’s Hardware or Home Depot or anyplace you can get galvanized aluminum or corrugated tin.
But in any case, these images proved to be very popular over on our Barndominium Life FaceBook Page. Come and join (if you’re not already). And be sure to sign up for our mailing list to be notified of new posts and other news and information about all things barndo.
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Barndominium Bathroom Whiskey Barrel Copper Sink Vanity
Take a long look at this handcrafted whiskey barrel sink vanity that’s sure to evoke compliments from visitors to your bathroom “down the hall”, and you’ll be in serious want right away.
The barrel itself is 35 inches tall and 25 inches wide, featuring a sculpted 16 inch copper sink with pop up drain and antique waterfall faucets. In addition, there’s a large interior that’s handy for storing items behind a hidden hinged door.
We should mention that it’s not inexpensive. But, when you consider the overall cost of your barndo and the “wow” factor of this handcrafted fixture, we feel the cost is probably justified.
Hanging Barndominium Bathroom Shelves

Here’s a great DIY project that, again, will bring accolades from barndo bath visitors. We couldn’t find this project pre-made, sorry. You’ll just have to cruise the antique stores til you find an old pulley like the one pictured . After that it’s pretty easy. Just buy some 1x4s, cut to the length you want them, drill holes big enough to allow the big rope to go through all the boards and knot them on the bottom.
Run the ropes on either side of the pulley and secure the whole shebang to the ceiling using molly bolts or a big hook screwed directly into a wooden stud.
If you just can’t find an old pulley somewhere, Amazon comes to the rescue with this old pulley from an Ohio barn. Beware – it’s a little pricey at $130 plus shipping, and it weighs close to 20 pounds. But if all else fails, it is an option. Here’s the link.
Unique Barndominium Bathroom Wall Treatment

Here’s another DIY project requiring only a trip to Home Depot or Lowes to get enough corrugated tin and 1x4s to frame out this wall treatment and closet door. The upturned wooden crate can be found in an antique store for a few bucks or made and then stained or painted to get that old, distressed look.
Repurposed Washtub & Sewing Machine Stand

Once again, it’s back to the antique stores, at least for the bottom part of this charming bathroom sink treatment. You can either pick up an old, distressed washtub at the same antique store or buy a new one at the hardware store.
Stainless Steel Keg Urinal – Great for your Barndominium Bathroom

These great fixtures are the perfect addition to a barn home. Where better for the man of the barndo to do his thing than a fixture where he definitely won’t leave the lid up? Comes completely ready for installation on your wall. Click here for more detailed product information.
From the manufacturer:
“Our Beer Barrel Stainless Steel Keg Urinals are the absolute coolest way to customize your bar, brewery, taproom, mancave (or barndominium)! Our Keg Urinals are food-grade stainless steel for sanitary use. Kegs are used but are hand selected to be in great shape, free of dents or corrosion, are fully refurbished to look great and provide many years of bathroom bliss.”
Repurposed Bus Station / Stadium Group Urinal

We don’t know how long this barndo owner had to look for one of these vintage items to repurpose as a double bathroom sink. We can remember standing shoulder to shoulder with other fans at local football games, answering the call. Good luck on finding one, but if you do, they make a fine addition to any barndo bathroom. (Guess it goes without saying that you should probably scrub it out good first…)
A reel fine toilet paper holder
We thought this was one of the most novel uses of a deep sea fishing reel that we’ve seen in awhile. One barndo owner who has one says that the reel clicks as he’s doling out TP — a reassuring sound, no doubt.
They’re available at a reasonable price from — where else? — Amazon.
Click here for more information.
Uber cute sink that used to be a watering trough

Repurposing seems to be a consistent theme on this page, but it’s because so many farm implements and other utilitarian objects fit right into a barndo bathroom with a little adaptation.
Like this watering trough that once served in an humble stable. Screw some legs onto the bottom, seal the holes with silicon, add a drain and voila! Instant, inexpensive and very barndo chic bathroom sink. Adding the faucets may be a little tricky, we’ll admit, but hey – you did half the job on your own.
Stock tank doubling as a barndominium bathroom shower

This stock tank / shower is actually seeing use at an offbeat ranch out in California. But barndominium owners can set one up in their shop area and shower the day’s grit and grime away before ever even stepping into the living quarters.