If you are a business owner, builder, or craftsperson, you probably understand the frustration of trying to find the right workspace. It can be difficult to find a space that works for you and has everything you need to do your work efficiently and get a quality final product to your customers. You may even …
Search results for: floor plans
Any business owner knows that having your own workspace is incredibly important. Being able to customize the space you are working in and making sure it is specific to your needs can streamline your work and make it much easier to deliver product to your clients. However, if you are a business owner or craftsperson, …
If you run your own business, you know how valuable your time is. Being able to strike a decent work/life balance as a business owner or craftsperson can be a challenge, and this is even more true if you have a workspace that you have to commute to every day. Odds are, you will end …
On this week’s update of our barndominium build, we get to talk about actually building the barndominium! For the last couple of weeks, our crew has been delivering materials, and working on the beginning stages of our structure. In the next couple of weeks, we will be totally finished with our metal siding, roof and …
If you are a business owner or a craftsperson, then you know how difficult it can be to get the right space for your work. Many times, you have to end up renting a workspace with other craftspeople, which can give you a commute all the way across town and eat into your profits. On …
If you are a craftsperson or own your own business where you need your own space, it can be frustrating trying to find the right setup. When you are working from a warehouse or a shared space with other craftspeople, the odds that this space will be close to your house are slim. This can …
If you run your own business, you know how difficult it can be to get time for yourself and your family. With all the stresses and things to consider as a business owner or craftsperson, the last thing you want to have to do is commute. This is why it can be so frustrating to …
Barndominium Life House Plan Terms and Conditions Welcome to barndominiumlife.com (the “Website”). Please review these Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) as they represent an agreement between you and Barndominium Life (“Barndominium Life,” “BarndominiumLife.com”, the “Company,” “us,” or “we”) and govern your use of our Website and the purchase and/or licensing of any Company or Website-related …
Shouses are quickly becoming a top choice for those who want to build affordable, functional homes in rural areas. Compared to standard houses, shouses tend to offer more space, increased stability, and more design options. Yet, a shouse may not be ideal for everyone. It is a unique type of home with useful features that …
If you are a craftsperson or business owner, then you know how hard it can be to find the right workspace. If you want to be able to work efficiently and deliver a high-quality product to your customers, you need the right space and a setup that will work for you and your business. Many …
If you’re a craftsperson or business owner, odds are you need a space to do your work and get your orders out to customers. If you don’t have access to a workspace on your property, you probably rent a warehouse or share a space with other business owners. Not only can this be a drain …
If you run your own business, you are probably aware of the trouble that comes with trying to get your own workspace. This is especially true if you are a craftsperson who needs a lot of space and a lot of equipment to make your business run. If you have to rent a space, you …
Having your own space as a craftsman is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the right workspace, especially if you want to make sure that you don’t have to take a long drive just to get to work. Renting a space far …
The last two weeks have been an explosion of building progress, after months and months of planning, all with one goal in mind: pouring the slab foundation. This step is HUGE for many reasons, one of which being that it is so final. There is no crawlspace to get into to rework the plumbing if …
If you are a craftsperson or business owner in industry, you may be familiar with the problem of workspace. Having enough room to work and get your orders out on time can be a challenge for anyone, but especially if you want to make sure you have enough time with your family. Many times, a …
If you are a craftsperson or entrepreneur, you know how difficult it can be to get the space you need to do your work. It’s even harder if you live in a rural area and you want to find a place that is close to your home so you can spend time with your family. …
If you are a welder, fabricator, or any other type of craftsperson who needs a shop, it can be frustrating trying to find the right workspace. This is why, usually, you may end up renting a space that you share with other business owners or a shop that just doesn’t have everything you need. If …
If you are a craftsperson and business owner, odds are you have thought about building your own shop on your own property at some point. Maybe you rent a workspace or share one with other businesses or maybe you just want to upgrade what you currently have. One of the downsides of renting a space …
If you are a business owner who needs a warehouse or a craftsman in need of a large workshop, it can often be difficult to find the right space. On top of that, it is usually very expensive to get the kind of space you need and this can really cut into your margins. However, …
If you are a craftsperson with your own business, odds are you have dreamed about having your own shop to work out of. Whether you are currently renting a space or are just working out of a small garage, more room is always a good thing. Being in charge of your own space and knowing …